The Enigma of Truth

Everything in life is a matter of perspective. Including Truth.  

A man who grew up thinking the world was flat comes across a renowned scientist who tells him the world is round. The man doesn’t believe the scientist. The world has always been flat for him, why would it suddenly change to be round? From his perspective, the truth is that the world is flat, no matter how much evidence the scientist has to back up his claim. In fact, he pities the scientist, for it must be difficult to live with a belief that was so insane.  

A woman joins her nation’s army in the shadow of war, knowing without doubt that the enemy is so cruel that they are basically no longer considered human. Their crimes have been shown to her on the news her whole life and she gladly takes up arms in defense of all she holds dear. Upon landing in the enemy country, she regards them with contempt and views their lifestyle and culture as savage. The first person she kills is a boy of sixteen who failed to defend his family from invaders.  

A man has heard stories of witches that scared him to his bones. One day, a woman moves into the empty house at the end of the street. She lives alone, seems to like plants, and has a singular black cat that doesn’t like him very much. The man becomes convinced that she is here to spread evil. He feels tasked by god to take action. So, one night he sneaks into her house and kills her. He was not careful, and when justice comes for him, his defense is that she was a witch sent to spread demons. He still cannot understand why he sits in jail for such an act of benevolence. He was simply protecting his home.  

Which side of these stories is true?  

In each story, a person believed something that was told to them with such fervor that they thought it true. To them, it was true. There was not even the thought in mind that it was not. Truth, therefore, is in the eye of the beholder.  

So, what is true truth?  

To some, Science is truth. Only things that can be backed up by repeated experimentation and facts are considered true. But to others, science is a hoax made to spread lies. Both sides of the argument are considered true.  

But which one actually is?  

As we traverse the spiritual side of life, we hear over and over the common phrase “find your truth.” As if such things are easy when truth is everywhere. There is truth of self, or rather understanding of self. Knowing whether you like coffee or tea, biking or boating, summer or winter. These are easily understood within each person. But what about things that aren’t so easily understood? What about the moments when you wake up from a dream and think “that was real. This was one of my past lives.” Was it really? Are you sure? How do you know? Couldn’t it also be a vivid dream? When our brains are capable of such great subterfuge, can we really be certain of anything?  

Belief and truth are rather similar when you get down to it. You cannot have truth without the belief that something is true. One person’s truth will never be the same as another’s unless they accept is as true. Believe that it is true.  

What truths do you hold? Why do you think they’re true?  


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